To help professionals discover what solutions my fellow change managers have found helpful. Stay on current methods and tools. Network with colleagues and solution providers. To help in learning new trends, best practices and case studies, to get a better picture of where the industry is headed.
Founded in 2012-13, the ACEF program is organized by a team of professionals from India, Srilanka and UAE and is guided by the Advisory Members from Branding, Marketing and Creative Agencies based in India, US, Australia, Singapore, UAE and Srilanka. Our programs are focused on Customer Engagement Actiities, Branding, Marketing, CSR, Rural Marketing, Properties (Hospitality & Real Estate), HR and are planned for India, Srilanka, GCC Continent and Asia Pacific Regions.
Ask yourself this:
Professor In HR & OB Area
Advisor & Co-Founder
Topic: "Possibility is the New Potential"
The Alchemist
Topic: "Managing Virtual Teams"
Topic: "Coming Soon"
HOD & Chairperson (Alumni Relations)
SIES College of
Management Studies
The Alchemist
Educationist & Advisor
Professor in HR & OB Area Advisor &
Chief Digital Officer & Founder
Founder & CEO
Human Touch
Director & CEO
Enhance Consumer Connect Private Limited
Project Director
ACEF Programs
Marketing Manager
ACEF Programs
Creative Designer
ACEF Programs